Huber Flores
Associate Professor of Pervasive Computing
Distributed and Pervasive Systems Group
Institute of Computer Science
University of Tartu, Estonia.
Docent (Dosentti) at University of Helsinki, Finland.
Academy of Finland Postdoc Fellow (Alumni)
Faculty of Science Postdoc Fellow at University of Helsinki (Alumni)
Narva mnt 18 (Delta Centre)
Tartu, Estonia
E-mail: huber.flores AT
Curriculum Vitae - CV
Find me also in Google Scholar,
Stack Overflow
Courses that I am imparting this semester.
Check out our 2 ECTS MOOCs (in collaboration with MinnaLearn, developers of "Elements of AI"; and EU SPATIAL) - Detailed instructions on how to access them here
- [MOOC] Trustworthy AI - "Understand the importance, considerations, and impacts of trustworthy AI"
- [MOOC] Advanced Trustworthy AI - "Learn the principles, methods, and tools for implementing trustworthy AI in practice"
Past courses
I conduct research in Mobile, Pervasive and Wearable Computing.
Prospective PhD students and postdocs: I am always looking for exceptional students with hunger to climb up to the top of the academic ladder, and willing to compete toe-to-toe with the best there is in our field. If you have the passion for distributed and pervasive systems, drop me an e-mail with "Candidate for DPS group" in the subject. Check our current open positions.
Research projects in progress:
- [2025-2029][Estonian Research Council][PRG] GENIE: Foundations of Generative Calibration for Low-cost Pervasive Light Sensing (GENIE: Generatiivse kalibreerimise alused odava ja kõikjal kättesaadava valgusmõõtmise jaoks)
Previous research projects to which I have contributed:
- 10.03.2025 Serving as TPC member of RecSys 2025.
- 11.02.2025 Our paper about recycling old smartphones into tiny data centres will be featured in IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine
- 04.02.2025 Became Associate Editor for ACM IMWUT (Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies).
- 21.01.2025 Serving as TPC member of CLOUD 2025 (In conjuction IEEE World Congresss on SERVICES).
- 17.01.2025 Serving as TPC member of EdgeSys 2025 (In conjuction with EuroSys).
- 18.12.2024 Our GENIE project got funded by ETAG (Eesti Teadusagentuur - Estonian Research Council) for the period 2025-2029. [Results here]. Thank you!
- 17.12.2024 We got a paper into ACM HotMobile 2025.
- 14.12.2024 Serving as TPC member of UMAP 2025.
- 26.11.2024 Serving as TPC member of Intelligent Environments (IE) 2025.
- 11.11.2024 Serving as TPC member of SMARTCOMP 2025.
- 30.10.2024 Honored to have been part of the committee for the PhD defense of Talia Xu, very nice defense protocol in TU Delft
- 21.10.2024 Serving as TPC member of EWSN 2025.
- 10.10.2024 Gave a talk in NTNU, Norway, about "Smart Ring Computing: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities in Sensing", slides here
- 02.10.2024 Serving as TPC member of ACM IUI 2025.
- 26.08.2024 Serving as TPC member of IEEE PerCom 2025.
- 05.07.2024 Serving as TPC member of IoT Conference 2024.
- 13.06.2024 Our "smart plants on wheels" concept is now published in IEEE Pervasive Computing
- 08.05.2024 Former PhD student got the outstanding doctoral dissertation award at the University of Helsinki, congrats Agustin!, news here
- 08.05.2024 Our drone research got featured by Research in Estonia, here the link
- 08.05.2024 Novaator ERR media coverage in Estonian about our nanodrones for agriculture scouting (TÜ teadlased loovad väikest ja nutikat põlluseiredrooni), here
- 07.05.2024 Aktuaalne Kaamera clip about our nanodrones for agriculture scouting, thank you!, here
- 07.05.2024 ERR media coverage in English about our nanodrones for agriculture scouting, here
- 23.04.2024 Our paper "AI Sensors and Dashboards" got accepted in IEEE Computer Magazine.
- 12.04.2024 Our paper "The SPATIAL Architecture" got accepted in 44th IEEE ICDCS 204 (acceptance rate 21%) as a full paper for the technical main track.
- 25.03.2024 Our pervasive chabots research got accepted as a full paper into ACM UMAP 2024.
- 12.03.2024 Press-release about our work in Marine technologies and AI, "AI making waves in marine data collection"
- 11.03.2024 Delivered a talk about Gauging and Monitoring the Inference Capabilities of AI using AI Sensors and Dashboards, link to the recording.
- 01.02.2024 Serving as TPC member of ACM MM 2024.
- 20.01.2024 We got two full papers into ACM/IEEE IoTDI 2024, part of the CPS-IoT Week, See you in Hong Kong!.
- 03.01.2024 Serving as TPC member of IEEE SMARTCOMP 2024.
- older news
Community Service
Research visits
- October - November 2024, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Norway, Associate Professor Xiang Su.
- March 2019, HKUST (The Hong Kong University of Science and Techonology), Hong Kong, Prof. Pan Hui
- April 2018, Lancaster University, UK, Dr. Petteri Nurmi
- January-August 2014, HKUST (The Hong Kong University of Science and Techonology), Prof. Pan Hui
About Me
Huber Flores is an Associate Professor of Pervasive Computing at the Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu, Estonia as well as a Docent (Affiliate Professor) at the University of Helsinki, Finland. Prior to that, he held the prestigious Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Fellowship and the competitive Faculty of Science Postdoctoral Fellowship of the University of Helsinki. He is former member of UBICOMP at University of Oulu, Finland, and SyMLab at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong. He is member of ACM (SIGMOBILE) and IEEE associations. He is also the recipient of the Jorma Ollila Award given by the Nokia Foundation. His major research interests include mobile and pervasive computing, distributed systems, and mobile cloud computing.
Talks and events album
Former member of the following research groups