More News
- 15.12.2023 Our paper Life is Plastic? got into ACM HotMobile 2024
- 02.11.2023 A PhD student of mine is graduating from University of Helsinki, news here
- 18.10.2023 Giving a talk about "Low-cost Sensing for Enviromental Sustainability" on October 31 at the Data Science Seminar, program here.
- 08.09.2023 Serving as TPC member of IEEE ICCCN 2024.
- 25.08.2023 Delivering a talk in SECURENET 2023, Dublin, Ireland.
- 09.08.2023 Serving as TPC member of ACM IUI 2024.
- 11.07.2023 Serving as TPC member of IEEE FMEC 2023.
- 20.06.2023 My talk about sensors for daily life interaction delivered at the IT Academy Summit, link here
- 18.06.2023 Serving as TPC member of PerCom 2024.
- 16.06.2023 Participating in FCN workshop in Helsinki, program here
- 02.06.2023 My interview about EU SPATIAL WP3 developments, here.
- 01.06.2023 Serving as TPC member of IoT Conference 2023.
- 20.06.2023 My interview in YLE News TV broadcast in Finland, link here (from 12:23 to roughly 14:45)
- 19.05.2023 A few of our demos (Smart ring and Nanodrones) got featured in YLE news in Finland, link here
- 08.05.2023 Our smart ring technology was TV broadcasted by Kanal 2, Õhtu! Thank you! link here
- 03.05.2023 Serving as TCP member of ImmerCom 2023 (Co-located with ACM MobiCom 2023)
- 12.04.2023 Our work about underwater dead reckoning got into Ubicomp/IMWUT!
- 17.03.2023 Call for posters for ACM Mobisys 2023 is out! Please consider contributing with your recent work!
- 08.03.2023 Serving as a Poster chair for ACM MobiSys 2023 to be held in Helsinki, Finland
- 22.02.2023 Our smart ring prototype for drink spiking got the best demo runner-up award at ACM HotMobile 2023
- 21.02.2023 ERR media coverage in English about our smart ring hedgehog, here
- 18.02.2023 Our research work about drink spiking got TV broadcasted during Aktuaalne Kaamera and media coverage in ERR Novaator, here
- 17.01.2023 We will be presenting a demo paper in HotMobile 2023.
- 14.01.2023 Serving as TPC member of SMARTCOMP 2023.
- 15.12.2022 I got the best researcher award at our Institute. Thank you!
- 10.12.2022 We got a paper into HotMobile 2023.
- 20.11.2022 Serving as TPC member of UMAP 2023.
- 25.11.2022 Our work about Micro-clouds (Cloudlets) underwater is published in ACM Transactions on Internet of Things
- 20.11.2022 Video recording of my talk (slides here) and the whole event "Natural scientists on sustainable development: what colour is the future?" can be re-watched in ERR news, here
- 09.11.2022 Delivering the talk "Mega-scale enviromental monitoring for future smart cities" in the conference "Loodusteadlased kestlikust arengust: mis värvi on tulevik?"- event can be follow online here and will take place on Nov 18.
- 28.10.2022 Our HIPPO work is accepted as a full paper in ACM Ubicomp/IMWUT
- 27.10.2022 We got a paper in IEEE Internet Computing Magazine
- 27.08.2022 Our research work on discovering hidden cameras got featured by ERR Novaator, link here
- 08.07.2022 Serving as TPC member of ACM IUI 2023.
- 24.06.2022 Serving as TPC member of IEEE PerCom 2023.
- 21.05.2022 We got a paper into Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal (The Midas Touch)
- 30.03.2022 We got a paper into IEEE Consumer Electronics (Air quality monitoring with UAVs)
- 12.02.2022 We got a paper into IEEE Pervasive Computing (Litter monitoring with sunlight and AGVs)
- 04.01.2022 Our Deep Learning and the Oceans paper is accepted for publication in IEEE Computer Magazine.
- 19.12.2021 Serving as TPC member of UMAP 2022.
- 08.09.2021 Our Collaboration Stability paper is accepted for publication in IEEE Computer Magazine.
- 04.08.2021 We got a full paper into UbiComp 2021.
- 04.07.2021 Our research work about perceptive ads is featured in HIIT news
- 30.06.2021 Serving as TPC member of IEEE PerCom 2022.
- 10.06.2021 Serving as TPC member of ACM IUI 2022.
- 05.06.2021 Contributing to AMECO workshop (in conjuction with Mobiquitous)
- 01.06.2021 Available postdoc position (Distributed machine learning and Explainable AI) in our group is now open. Apply here!
- 29.04.2021 Our work also got featured in Research in Estonia news
- 13.04.2021 Our research about Marine Pollution Monitoring with Underwater Drones got featured in local Estonian news.
- 13.04.2021 We got a paper accepted in IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine
- 08.03.2021 We got a paper in ACM UMAP 2021
- 04.03.2021 Serving as TPC Member of 5GTEV'21 (5G Testing and Experimentation in Verticals: Industry 4.0, Smart cities 2021) in conjuction with IFIP Networking
- 24.01.2021 We got a paper accepted in Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal
- 18.01.2021 We are contributing to the EU Horizon project: SPATIAL (Security and Privacy Accountable Technology Innovation, Algorithms and Machine Learning) - Explainable AI for Distributed and Federated Machine Learning
- 06.01.2021 Serving as PC Member of ACM UMAP 2021
- 22.12.2020 Our MIDAS paper is accepted in IEEE PerCom 2021
- 01.11.2020 We got a paper accepted in IEEE IoT Magazine
- 03.09.2020 Serving as TPC Member of IUI 2021
- 06.07.2020 HotPOST program is online! 2 technical sessions and 1 keynote talk
- 22.05.2020 We got a paper into ACM HEALTH
- 04.05.2020 Our paper PENGUIN: Aquatic Plastic Pollution Sensing using AUVs will be presented in DroNet 2020 (in conjunction with ACM MobiSys 2020)
- 16.04.2020 We got a paper accepted into ACM UbiComp/IMWUT 2020
- 26.03.2020 PerCrowd 2020 program is online! One Keynote talk about Fullfilling the Promise of Mobile Device Crowds by Prof. Mostafa Ammar (Georgia Tech, USA), two technical sessions and a panel about Edge Intelligence Enabled by Multi-Device Systems
- 12.03.2020 Our paper Estimating Energy Footprint with Thermal Imaging got featured in ACM SIGMOBILE GetMobile (quarterly printed magazine)
- 17.12.2019 Serving as PC member for IEEE ICCCN 2020
- 03.12.2019 Got a full paper into PerCom 2020 (14.2% acceptance rate)
- 03.12.2019 Serving as PC member for IJCAI-PRECAI 2020
- 09.10.2019 Serving as PC member for ECAI 2020
- 06.10.2019 Serving as TPC co-chair for HotPOST 2020 (co-located with INFOCOM 2020) Please contribute!
- 27.08.2019 Serving as PC member for IUI 2020
- 12.07.2019 Our PerCrowd workshop (co-located with PerCom 2020) is going to Austin, Texas, USA. Please consider submitting your work in progress!
- 20.06.2019 Our paper Pervasive Data Science on the Edge is accepted into IEEE Pervasive Computing
- 31.05.2019 Got an IT Estonian Academy for ICT Research grant funding (1.25 million euros) to boost up my Distributed and Pervasive Systems Group
- 31.05.2019 Got an Associate Professor position at Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu, Estonia
- 14.05.2019 Officially got my Title of Docent at University of Helsinki after being appointed last year
- 15.04.2019 Contributed on editing the Finland-Hong Kong White Paper on AI and 5G
- 22.03.2019 Gave a Venia Legendi Lecture about duty cycling at the University of Tartu
- 05.03.2019 Attending the Finland-Hong Kong Summit on Artificial Intelligence and 5G in Hong Kong
- 25.02.2019 Serving as PC member for IJCAI 2019
- 21.01.2019 We got a full paper into WWW 2019 (18% acceptance rate - 225 papers accepted out of 1247 submissions)
- 21.01.2019 PerCrowd program 2019 is online! 1 keynote by Prof. Christine Julien about Opportunistic Crowds, 8 papers and a panel discussion on "AI-powered Multi-Device Systems and Applications"
- 11.12.2018 We got a paper into HotMobile 2019
- 11.12.2018 We got a paper into PerCom 2019
- 10.12.2018 I am serving as TPC for HotSALSA 2019 co-located with IEEE INFOCOM 2019. Please consider submitting your work in progress!
- 22.10.2018 My proposal Opportunistic Device to Device (D2D) communications for mobile sensing got the Nokia Jorma Ollila Award 2018.
- 19.09.2018 Invited talk, Regularity optimization of sensor measurements , Finland-China-Germany Workshop on Mobile Networking, Analytics and Edge Computing, Shanghai, China.
- 16.06.2018 I am serving as organizer for PerCrowd 2019 (co-located with IEEE PerCom). Looking forward your contributions!
- 17.05.2018 Got an Academy of Finland grant for my project proposal "MAYA: A Social-aware Utility MarketPlace for Self-organizing Computing at the Edge" (14% acceptance rate)
- 12.01.2018 PerCrowd program is online! 8 papers and a fascinating keynote by Dr. Andrea Passarella about The Internet of People (IoP): A New Wave in Pervasive Mobile Computing
- 12.12.2017 We got a paper into PerCom 2018
- 18.10.2017 Our paper Evidence-aware Mobile Computational Offloading has been accepted into IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
- 16.10.2017 I am serving as TPC for HotPOST 2018 co-located with IEEE INFOCOM 2018. Please consider submitting your work in progress!
- 08-11.10.2017 Invited event, attending the Dagstuhl Seminar on Internet of People (IoP), Dagstuhl, Germany. My one pager slide
- 28.09.2017 Invited talk, Evidence-aware Mobile Computational Offloading, Finland-China-Germany Workshop on Mobile Networking, Analytics and Edge Computing, Munich, Germany.
- 26.07.2017 I am serving as TPC for Student Workshop co-located with ACM CoNEXT 2017.
- 21.06.2017 I am serving as organizer for PerCrowd 2018 (co-located with IEEE PerCom). Looking forward your contributions!
- 12.04.2017 I am serving as publicity chair for CHANTS 2017 (co-located with ACM MobiCom). Please contribute!
- 01.03.2017 We got a full paper accepted in the main track of ICDCS 2017
- 13.02.2017 Presentation, Social-aware Cross Device Sensing for Collaborative Mobile Application Diffusion, Lancaster University, InfoLab21, Lancaster, UK.
- 01.01.2017 Started to work at the University of Helsinki (Grant awarded (2+1 years): my proposal has been selected from 228 applicants to conduct research in Kumpula Science Campus)
- 23.09.2016 Our paper Social-aware Hybrid Mobile Offloading: An Incentive and Reputation Framework for Code Offload is accepted for publication in the Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal.
- 13.09.2016 Presentation, Social-aware Device-to-Device Communication: A Contribution for Edge and Fog Computing?, WMSC-UbiComp 2016, Heidelberg, Germany.
- 27.07.2016 Invited talk, Social-aware Hybrid Mobile Offloading, Helsinki-HKUST-Tsinghua Workshop on Mobile Services and Edge Computing, Helsinki, Finland.
- 01.10.2015 Started to work at the University of Oulu under the supervision of Prof. Vassilis Kostakos
- 31.12.2014 Our paper Mobile Code Offloading: From Concept to Practice and Beyond is accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Magazine.
- 02.07.2014 Invited talk, Mobile Code Offloading from Concept to Practice and Beyond, Helsinki-HKUST-Tsinghua Workshop on Cloud and Mobile Computing, Hong Kong
- (01.02-01.08).2014 Scholar research visit to SyMLab at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), supervised by Prof. Pan Hui
- 03.09.2013 Our paper Mobile Cloud Middleware has been accepted for publication in The Journal of Systems and Software
- 27.06.2013 Awarded grant, got an ACM SIGMOBILE travel grant for presenting some of my research proposals at MobiSys 2013
- 08-09.10.2012 Invited talk, Mobile Cloud Application Development, Yildi Technical Univerty, Turkey 2012.
- 03-04.04.2012 Invited talk, Mobile Cloud Application Development, Caucasus University and Tblisi State University, Georgia 2012.
- 27.05.2011 Invited talk, Middleware for Mobile Cloud Computing (Mobile Cloud Middleware), University of
Rostock, Germany